Three Houses

(DISCLAIMER! This is a Dave Malloy fansite. His real website is here)

Susan has fled to Latvia. Sadie hides in New Mexico. Beckett longs for Ireland. All three are alone; all three are haunted by their grandparents; all three hear the Big Bad Wolf scratching at the door. Three Houses is a post-pandemic open mic night parable about magic, madness, and the end of the world.
- Signature Theater website

Preview opening: April 30th
Opening night: May 20th
Original closing night: June 9th
Updated closing night: June 16th

Originally, the online program only had the three different houses and Coda in the list of musical numbers. The full list was given to the press ahead of time, and by May 23rd (when I thought to check) the full list was on the digital program.

This production only gave out single sheet condensed programs, with the full thing avaliable through the QR code. A full printed program was avaliable on request, but was printed on plain white printer paper and isn't anything collectable.

On May 20th, along with opening night press, Signature announced that the show had recieved an extension and would now be running until the 16th of June.

Dystopian-Parable gave a great summary of the show after they saw it. Spoilers if you want to go in blind!!!



First House: Susan

intro (i)

i. birch trees

ii. the library

iii. weed and wine

iv. happy/crazy

v. the manuscript

vi. the berries and the plums

vii. blood

Second House: Sadie

intro (ii)

i. desert

ii. the village

iii. dating

iv. karaoke night

v. too soon

vi. quarters

vii. haze

Third House: Beckett

intro (iii)

i. new life

ii. boxes

iii. stones

iv. love always leaves you in the end

v. the visitor

vi. the summoning

vii. wolf dance



Early reading, posted January 12th by Whitley Theatrical
Anne Tippe
First House, Margo Seibert
iv. karaoke night, Ching Valdes-Aran, Mia Pak, Henry Stram
Ching Valdes-Aran
Third House, J.D. Mollison
Wolf song, Scott Stangland
Press release, Credit: Marc J. Franklin
Pre-show, Ching Valdes-Aran
Pre-show, Henry Stram and Ching Valdes-Aran
First House, Margo Seibert
First House, Margo Seibert
"Pookie", Mia Pak and Margo Seibert
First House, Mia Pak, Scott Stangland, and Margo Seibert
vi. the berries and the plums, Ching Valdes-Aran and Henry Stram
Second House, Mia Pak
Second House, Mia Pak
ii. the village, Henry Stram, Margo Seibert, Mia Pak, and Ching Valdes Aran
ii. the village, Scott Stangland
Unnamed Wolf song (cut after 7 performances), Scott Stangland
Third House, J.D. Mollison
Third House, Henry-Stram, J.D. Mollison and Ching-Valdes-Aran
Third House, Margo Seibert, J.D. Mollison, Mia Pak
vii. wolf dance, Henry Stram, Ching Valdes-Aran
Coda, J.D. Mollison, Margo Seibert and Mia-Pak

Other Dave Malloy shows: